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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Neck adenopathy?

What to do with neck adenopathy?


Adult, afebrile, single or multiple node(s) =  CT neck with contrast (or MRI neck with contrast,  if needed*)
Adult, febrile, single node =  CT neck with contrast (or MRI neck with contrast,  if needed*)
Adult pulsatile neck mass = CTA and CT neck with contrast (or MRI neck with contrast,  if needed*)
Adult with cancer history and nodes = Neck PET and CT with contrast

Child (up to age 14), afebrile or febrile, single or multiple node(s) = Neck ultrasound (Then CT neck with contrast (or MRI neck with contrast,  if needed*))

* This decision is usually based on renal function and contrast reactions 

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Developmental dysplasia of the hip?

Developmental dysplasia of the hip


Younger than 4-6 months with definite or equivocal physical exam findings = Ultrasound hips

Younger than 4-6 months, female, breech delivery or positive family history  without physical exam findings = Ultrasound hips

Older than 4-6 months with clinical suspicion (limited abduction or abnormal gait) = Single frontal AP hip radiograph 

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -

Knee pain without trauma. Is there an effusion? Degenerative changes?

Imaging for knee pain without trauma. Is there an effusion? Degenerative changes?


Child, adolescent or adult knee pain without trauma = knee X-ray  

Child, adolescent or adult knee pain without trauma and knee X-ray is negative or shows effusion or secondary signs of trauma = MRI knee without contrast

Adult knee pain without trauma and knee X-ray shows avascular necrosis = possibly MRI without contrast if it directs therapy

Adult knee pain without trauma and knee X-ray shows degenerative changes, crystalline arthropathy or chondrocalcinosis = Probably NOTHING 

As always, please refer to the source Appropriateness Criteria created by the American College of Radiology, here.

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -

Monday, June 16, 2014

Acute hip pain, suspect fracture?

Imaging of acute hip pain, suspect fracture?


First study middle aged or elderly = Xray hip, AP and cross table lateral and Xray pelvis, AP view BOTH

Negative or indeterminate radiograph, then = MRI hip/pelvis or CT hips

(Note if fracture and minimal trauma, eval bone density with DEXA scan)

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -

Imaging of solitary pulmonary nodule?

Imaging of solitary pulmonary nodule?


Nodule discovered on chest radiograph, **greater** than 1 cm and low, moderate or high clinical suspicion for cancer = CT chest without contrast,  if CT indeterminate then PET CT whole body and biopsy if PET avid or enhances.

Nodule discovered on chest radiograph, less than 1 cm and low clinical suspicion for cancer = watchful waiting with CT follow up or CT chest without contrast (Note: Fleischner Criteria not addressed in this publication)

Nodule discovered on chest radiograph, less than 1 cm and moderate to hight clinical suspicion for cancer = CT Chest and possible biopsy or follow up CT chest.

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Acute chest pain, suspect pulmonary embolism?

Acute chest pain, suspect pulmonary embolism?


adult = chest X-ray and CTA chest, both

pregnant patient = chest X-ray, US lower extremity with doppler and possibly CTA chest or VQ scan  

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Jaundiced patient?

Imaging for jaundiced patient?


Abdominal pain with 1 of the following: fever, history of biliary surgery or known cholelithiasis = US abdomen (then CT ABD/PEL with contrast or MR Abdomen with contrast with MRCP)

Painless with 1 of the following: weight loss, fatigue, anorexia or symptoms greater than 3 months =  CT ABD/PEL with arterial and portal venous contrast, US abdomen or MR Abdomen with contrast with MRCP)

Clinical and lab exam makes obstruction unlikely = US abdomen (then MR Abdomen with contrast with MRCP, if needed) 

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.

More about Dr. Vachon -