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Friday, August 15, 2014

Osteomyelitis in diabetic foot?

Imaging of suspected osteomyelitis in diabetic foot?


Soft tissue swelling with or without neuropathic arthropathy or with or without ulcer = foot X-ray AND MRI foot without and with contrast

If imaging is indeterminate, biopsy or aspiration is warranted

As always, please refer to the source Appropriateness Criteria created by the American College of Radiology, here.

Educational purposes for licensed providers.

Note to Patients:

Radiology is a very large and ever changing field and this post is to help your provider.  When combined with a thorough history and physical exam, this information can be very useful.  Your provider is best suited to answer specific questions regarding this post.

A provider is usually a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Medical Doctor.

Of course, this is not a substitute for medical care.